Trypsin and alpha-Chymotrypsin

The pIs of trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin are approximately 8.1-8.6 and 10.1-10.6 respectively. These basic proteins can be separated well with the IEC CM-825 (a column for weak cation exchange chromatography).

Sample : 30micro-L
1. Trypsin 0.5%
2. alpha-Chymotrypsin 0.25%

Column       : Shodex IEC CM-825 (8.0mmID*75mm)
Eluent       : (A); 20mM Sodium phosphate buffer(pH7.0)
               (B); (A) + 0.5M NaCl
               Linear gradient: 0min to 60min, (A) to (B)
Flow rate    : 1.0mL/min
Detector     : UV(280nm)
Column temp. : Room temp.