Comparison of Analysis of Organic Acids with 4 Kinds of Detectors (Standards)
Comparison of Analysis of Organic Acids using RSpak
with 4 Kinds of Detectors was shown. When analyzing organic acid satndards, 4
kinds of detectors are usable. However,
when analyzing actual sample, we recommend to use the post-column reaction method which allows high-selective analysis of
organic acids.

Sample :
1. 800ppm
Citric acid
2. 900ppm
Tartaric acid
3. 800ppm
Malic acid
4. 700ppm
Succinic acid
5. 1100ppm
Lactic acid
6. 600ppm
Formic acid
7. 700ppm
Acetic acid
8. 1500ppm
Levulinic acid
9. 1500ppm
Pyroglutamic acid
Columns : Shodex RSpak KC-G (6.0mmID*50mm) + KC-811 (8.0mmID*300mm) x 2
Eluent : 3mM HClO4 aq.
Flow rate : 1.0mL/min
Column temp. : 50deg-C