Hexobarbital in Serum
With MSpak
GF-310 4B, a column for LC/MS, it is possible to make the direct analysis of drug components in
serum without sample pretreatment.

Sample :
Instrument : Agilent 1100
Column : Shodex MSpak GF-310 4B (4.6mmID*50mm)
Eluent : 50mM CH3COONH4/CH3CN=80/20
Flow rate : 0.5mL/min
Detector : UV(220nm)
Column temp. : 35deg-C
Instrument : Agilent 1100MSD
Mass range : 105-500(m/z)
Ionization : Electrospray
Nebulizer : N2(50psi)
Drying gas : N2(12L/min, 350deg-C)
Mode : Positive SIM (m/z=281)