Vitamin A palmitate was analyzed using GPC
KF-801. Wave
length of 325nm at which it has maximum UV absorption was used for the detection.
Usually, saponification is necessary to analyze vitamin A as the sample pretreatment.
However, in this analysis, no complicated sample pretreatment procedure was necessary.
What is necessary is just to dissolve the sample in the eluent(THF) and filtrate
it using a 0.45 micron disposable filter. This method using KF-801 is a very simple
way to analyze vitamin A.

Sample :
Margarine 0.2%, 100micro-L
Vitamin A palmitate
Columns : Shodex GPC KF-801 (8.0mmID*300mm) x 2
Eluent : THF
Flow rate : 1.0mL/min
Detector : UV(325nm)
Column temp. : 40deg-C