N-Methoxymethyl Nylon (Methanol Eluent)
N-methoxymethyl nylon was analyzed using Asahipak
GF-710 HQ. N-methoxymethyl nylon, which is obtained by denaturing 6-nylon, is alcohol
-soluble. Methanol is used as an eluent containing 50mM LiCl. The addition of LiCl to methanol is very important to prevent sample
adsorption by the packing material and to get an accurate measurement. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) are used as
calibration standards for GPC analysis with methanol eluent.

Sample :
N-Methoxymethyl nylon,
Columns : Shodex Asahipak GF-710 HQ (7.5mmID*300mm) x 2
Eluent : 50mM LiCl in CH3OH
Flow rate : 0.5mL/min
Detector : Shodex RI
Column temp. : 30deg-C