Effect of Flow Rate on Elution Pattern
Polystyrene standard (Mw: 500) was analyzed using GPC
KF-802 (a column for organic SEC (GPC)).
For improving resolution, the appropriate flow rate should be selected considering the diffusion speed.
In this case, a higher resolution can be realized with a lower flow rate.
Although a reduction of the flow rate from 2.0mL/min to 1.0mL/min brought about a large difference in
resolution, a reduction from 1.0mL/min to 0.5mL/min did not. Considering the time for analysis, the use of 1.0mL/min is recommended for
the analysis of the sample.

Sample :
PS, Polystyrene 500
Column : Shodex GPC KF-802 (8.0mmID*300mm)
Eluent : THF
Flow rate : (A)2.0mL/min
Detector : UV(254nm)
Column temp. : Room temp.