Effects of Eluent Composition on GPC Clean-up
Main separation mode for the GPC clean-up is size exclusion mode: based on analytes' size differences, analytes are eluted in the order of their sizes. However, by optimizing the eluent composition, partition/adsorption mode can be also used. Change in acetone and cyclohexane ratio does not influence elution volume of lipid much. However by decreasing acetone, retention time of pesticides increases. At acetone/cyclohexane=3/7, lipid and acrinathirin co-elutes. In Food Sanitation Law #1003001 (Released by Ministry of Health, labour and welfare in Japan, 2006), the ratio of acetone/cyclohexane is set at 1/4.

Sample : 40mg/L each, 5mL
Column : Shodex CLNpak EV-G AC (20.0mmID*100mm) + EV-2000 AC (20.0mmID*300mm)
Eluent : Acetone/Cyclohexane
Flow rate : 5mL/min
Detector : UV(254nm)
Column temp. : 40deg-C