Oligoadenylic Acids (3)

IEC DEAE-420N is suited for fast analysis as it is packed in a small column (4.6mmID x 35mm) and packed with non-porous gel bonded with diethylaminoethyl groups.
DEAE-420N is an old type of DEAE3N-4T.

Sample : Oligoadenylic acid, poly[A]n

Column       : Shodex IEC DEAE-420N (4.6mmID*35mm)
Eluent       : (A); 25mM Phosphate buffer(pH6.0)
               (B); (A) + 1M NaCl(pH6.0)
               Linear gradient: 0min to 30min, 10% (B) to 100% (B)
Flow rate    : 1.5mL/min
Detector     : UV(260nm)
Column temp. : Room temp.