Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used as a sanitizer and a disinfectant in the food industry. Here, hydrogen peroxide was analyzed using a SUGAR KS-801 (a column for GFC separation) and an electrochemical detector (ECD).
(A) shows the detection of hyrogen peroxide alone. The peak of hydrogen peroxide can be seen at 21.2 minutes. The small peak at 16.8 minutes is considered to be an impurity in hydrogen peroxide.
(B) shows the chromatogram of simultaneous analysis of ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
(C) shows the autoxidation of ascorbic acid. The quantitaion was done using HPLC detection. (B) is the chromatogram at 3 hours in (C).

Sample :
Hydrogen peroxide
Ascorbic acid

Column       : Shodex SUGAR KS-801 (8.0mmID*300mm)
Eluent       : H2O
Reagent      : 10mM Na2SO4 + 10 micro-M EDTA-2Na aq.
Flow rate    : (Eluent); 0.6mL/min, (Reagent); 0.15mL/min
Detector     : ECD(Electrode; Pt, 500mV vs Ag/AgCl)
Column temp. : 40deg-C

Takahashi et al., Analytycal Sciences, 15 (1999) 481