Alkaline Earth Metal Ions
Alkaline earth metal ions can be analyzed using IC
Y-521 with a tartaric
acid/ethylene-diamine eluent. Using this eluent, other divalent cations
also elute and their retention times are shown on the graph by arrows.
After a long use of this eluent, it will be difficult to change to a nitric
acid eluent. Therefore, the use of a column exclusively for the analysis
of alkali metal ions is recommended and another for alkaline earth metal
ions when both type of analysises are performed routinely.

Sample : 10micro-L
Ni2+ 50mg/L
Mg2+ 20mg/L
Mn2+ 50mg/L
Ca2+ 50mg/L
Column : Shodex IC Y-521 (4.6mmID*150mm)
Eluent : 4mM Tartaric acid + 2mM Ethylenediamine aq.
Flow rate : 1.0mL/min
Detector : Non-suppressed conductivity, Polarity(-)
Column temp. : 40deg-C