Cations and Alkylamines (YS-50)

Cation standards and alkylamines can be analyzed simultaneously with IC YS-50.

Sample : 10micro-L
1. Li+ 2mg/L
2. Na+ 10mg/L
3. NH4+ 10mg/L
4. Methylamine 10mg/L
5. K+ 20mg/L
6. Trimethylamine, TMA 20mg/L
7. Triethylamine, TEA 20mg/L
8. Mg2+ 10mg/L
9. Ca2+ 20mg/L

Correlation Coefficient(R2)
1mg/L to 100mg/L
Methylamine 0.9997
Trimethylamine 0.9999
Triethylamine 0.9997


Column       : Shodex IC YS-50 (4.6mmID*125mm) 
Eluent       : 4mM Methanesulfonic acid aq.
Flow rate    : 1.0mL/min
Detector     : Non-suppressed conductivity
Column temp. : 40deg-C