Selection of Organic SEC (GPC) Columns

Shodex organic SEC (GPC) columns have a history of more than twenty years and have been used numerous customers all over the world. The current series is of an improved type based on the long term experience and the latest technology.
Five types of GPC columns packed with different solvents are available to avoid solvent replacement. Moreover, custom columns packed with other solvents such as quinoline, o-dichlorobenzene, ethyl acetate, tetrachloroethane and dimethylacetamide are available uponyour request.

The following columns are availble as the standard column.

1) In-column solvents

THF KF-800, KF-600, KF-400HQ, LF series
Chloroform K-800 series
DMF KD-800 series
HFIP HFIP-800, HFIP-600 series
Toluene UT-800, HT-800, AT-806MS series

2) Types

Mixed gel columns Mixed gel type columns are packed with mixture of gels which are different in pore size are to have wide linear range in molecular weight calibration curves from oligomers to macromolecules.
The mixed gel columns have “M” at the end of the column name.
Linear type
columns (1)
Linear type columns are specially designed to have wider linear range in molecular weight calibration curves than that of mixed gel columns. Linear type columns are highly recommended for correcting non-linear sections of molecular weight calibration curves of ordinary columns.
It is highly recommended that linear type columns than ordinary type columns or mixed gel columns be used when both of them are available.
The linear type columns have “L” at the end of the column name.
Linear type
columns (2)
Linear type columns with special designed packing material.
Semi-micro GPC Columns Small volume type columns are of 4.6mm ID column. The internal volume of 4.6mm ID column is about one third of 8.0mm ID column.
Smaller particle size enables higher-resolution fractionation. Detection sensitivity is about four times higher than that of standard GPC columns. A single column can substitute for conventional analysis using two or more coupled columns, which shortens analysis time.
Downsized GPC Columns Small volume type columns are of 6.0mm ID column. The internal volume of 6.0mm ID column is about one third of 8.0mm ID column.
With small volume type column, by reducing the flow rate to one third, the same separation as with 8.0m ID columns can be obtained. And, the consumption of eluent will be also one third.
Small volume type columns are good for reducing the consumption of potentially-environmentally-damaging organic solvents.
High Temperature Columns The high temperature columns can be used for the GPC analysis at elevated temperature up to 230 °C.
Solvent-Peak Separation Column Solvent-peak separation columns delay the elution of low-molecular components and can be used to separate a solvent peak or other troublesome peak to realize accurate measurement of molecular weight distribution. The use of the columns with 805L, 806L, 806M and 807L columns is recommended.


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