Shodex™ Protein GFC Columns
Comparing Shodex and TSK GFC Columns
The Shodex KW-800 GFC series are excellent for separating proteins. They are characterized by high efficiency and good recoveries. The experimental conditions below were used to compare the Shodex GFC column series with their TSK equivalents.
Shodex Calibration
Temperature: Ambient
Flow Rate: 1.0 ml/min
Eluent: 50mM Na3PO4, 0.3M NaCl, pH 7.0
1. Thyroglobulin (MW:669,000)
2. Aldolase (MW:158,000)
3. Bovine Serum Albumin (MW:67,000)
4. Ovalbumin (MW:43,000)
5. Peroxidase (MW:40,200)
6. Adenylate Kinase (MW:32,000)
7. Myoglobin (MW:17,000)
8. Ribonuclease A (MW:13,700)
9. Aprotinin (MW:6,500)
10. Vitamin B1, (MW:1,350
Experimental Conditions
TSK Calibration
PROTEIN KW-802.5 vs. TSKgel G2000SWxl
Shodex KW-802.5
TSK G200SWxl
PROTEIN KW-803 vs. TSKgel G3000SWxl
Shodex KW-803
TSK G300SWxl
PROTEIN KW-804 vs. TSKgel G4000SWxl
Shodex KW-804
TSK G400SWxl