Features of RSpak DE Series (1) (Comparison with ODS Column)
RSpak DE-413 is a polymer-based column for reversed phase chromatography and has unique separation characteristics and superior chemical stability. The column can be used under the same conditions as those for ODS columns. Here, lactitol and erythritol were separated by DE-413, though they could not be separated by a ODS column from other manufacturer. The polarity of the packing material of DE-413 is close to that of ODS columns, however, the separation characteristics of DE-413 is a little different from that of ODS columns and some substances which cannot be separated by ODS columns can be separated by DE-413.
Sample : 0.2% each, 5micro-L
1. Lactitol, 2. meso-Erythritol
Columns : (Left); Shodex RSpak DE-413 (4.6mmID*150mm), (Right); ODS column Eluent : 10mM H3PO4 aq. Flow rate : 1.0mL/min Detector : Shodex RI Column temp. : 50deg-C