Aqueous SEC (GFC) Analysis

Calibration Curves for KW-800 Series

Calibration Curves for KW-802.5 (Proteins , Pullulan, PEG and PEO)

Calibration Curves for KW-803 (Proteins , Pullulan, PEG and PEO)

Calibration Curves for KW-804 (Proteins , Pullulan, PEG and PEO)

Calibration Curves of KW400-4F (1) (Pullulan)

Calibration Curves of KW400-4F (2) (Proteins)

Calibration Curves of KW400-4F (3) (PEG, PEO)

Sample Load (KW-803)

Effect of Flow Rate (KW-802.5, KW-803)

Standard Proteins (1) (KW-802.5)

Standard Proteins (2) (KW-802.5 and KW-803)

Standard Proteins (14) (KW-802.5)

Standard Proteins (15) (KW-803)

Standard Proteins (16) (KW-804)

Standard Proteins (18) (KW-803)

Standard Proteins (19) (KW-804)

Standard Proteins (23) (GF-510 HQ)

Standard Proteins (24) (KW402.5-4F)

Standard Proteins (25) (KW403-4F)

Standard Proteins (26) (KW404-4F)

Standard Proteins (27) (KW405-4F)

Recovery of Proteins (GF-310 HQ and GS-320 HQ)

Recovery of Proteins (GF-510 HQ and GS-520 HQ)

Recovery of Proteins (KW-802.5 and KW-803)

Recovery of Proteins (KW-803)

Proteins in Human Serum (3) (KW-803)

Dimer and Trimer of BSA

Crude Albumin (Chicken Egg) (1) (KW-803)

Crude Lipoxidase

Crude Catalase

Crude Hexokinase

Calibration Curves for GF-HQ Series (Aqueous Eluent: Proteins)

Human Serum (1) (SB-802 HQ)

Effect of Injection Volume of Serum

Tryptic Digest of Human IgG

Comparison of Chromatograms of Protein mixtures

High Sensitive Analysis of Metalloproteins in Lat Liver Cell

Comparison between KW402.5-4F and KW-802.5

Recovery of Proteins (KW-402.5-4F, KW403-4F)

Oligopeptides (SB401-4E)


Human Control Serum

Whey Protein in Yogurt (GFC)

Lectin Protein

Peptide Analysis (SEC)

Human IgM (2)


Avidin (2)