Polymer-based Columns for Reversed Phase Chromatography (ODP2 HP)
Sample preparation for Normal and Reversed Phase Chromatography
Advantage of ODP2 HP (1) High Theoretical Plate Number
Advantage of ODP2 HP (2) High Retention of High Polarity Substances
Advantage of ODP2 HP (3) High Removal Ability of Protein
Advantage of ODP2 HP (4) Ability for Use with Low Salt Concentrations
Advantage of ODP2 HP (5) Alkali Durability
Effect of Sample Loads (ODP2 HP)
Effect of Sample Injection Volume (ODP2 HP)
Effect of Column Temperature (ODP2 HP)
Effect of Organic Solvent in Eluent (ODP2 HP)
LC/MS Analysis of Barbital in BSA (ODP2 HP)
Influence of Proteins in LC/MS Analysis
LC/MS Analysis of Drugs in BSA (1) (ODP2 HP)
LC/MS Analysis of Drugs in Control Serum (ODP2 HP)
Reproducibility in LC/MS Analysis (ODP2 HP)
LC/MS Analysis of Drugs in BSA (2) (ODP2 HP)
Direct Analysis of Acetaminophen in Serum (ODP2 HP)